Why Should Parents Talk to Their Children in Their Native Language

By Ana Paula G. Mumy
Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik

As a speech-language pathologist and as a multilingual mother of bilingual children, I am finding myself shocked and confused at the number of parents I run into who have chosen not to speak their native language to their children for various reasons or who have been persuaded to believe that speaking their native language to their children will hurt them socially or academically if the primary language of the community is different.

There are so many great articles and literature (based on good research) available on the topic of bilingualism and its benefits, even for children who may be experiencing language delays, that it seems redundant to write on the issue, but I feel compelled to do so because the passing down of a parent’s native language appears to be diminishing more and more.

So why should parents talk to their children in their native language?   Click here to read more…


Returning Home After Living Abroad

by Corey

By Corey Heller This originally appeared in Multilingual Living Magazine. As many of us know and have experienced, living in another country changes you forever. You will never be the same and will never see things the same way again.  I mentioned this to a friend after having lived abroad for a year. She looked […]

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Expert Advice

Top 10 Reasons Your Children Aren’t Speaking Your Language

by Corey

By Corey Heller Wondering why your children are not speaking your language?  It is hard to say why one child will gladly speak a second (and third and fourth) language while another will resist it.  Below are the top 10 most likely reasons why they are not.  Do some of these resonate with your multilingual […]

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read & write

Teaching My Children to Read in Two Languages

by contributor
Teach Multilingual Children Read in Two Language

By Ana Paula G. Mumy Photo Credit: David D The thought of homeschooling bilingually was initially overwhelming to me.  I knew I wanted my children to read and write in both Portuguese and English, but I had no idea how I would accomplish that.  I feared I would confuse my kids because of the special […]

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Bilingual Children: Why Does Each Child Speak Less English?

by contributor
Bilingual Children: Why Does Each Child Speak Less

By Ingrid Weilguny Photo credit: Jason Bolonski I remember before my children were born that we planned how it would be. Bringing them up bilingually, that is. We agreed on the one parent-one language approach. We decided that English would be the main influence within the house as outside the door they only heard German. […]

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Expert Advice

Bilingual Children: Why You Really, Really, Really Should Start When They Are Young

by Corey
bilingual children why to start when they are young

By Corey Heller Photo credit: Christina Rutz There are thousands of reasons out there for why you should help children learn a language when they are young – very young. Some studies point to the brain benefits of children who are raised with more than one language. Other studies explain how children naturally lose the […]

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Expert Advice

Why Raising a Bilingual Child Is Very, Very Simple – and Very, Very Difficult

by contributor
bilingual_family - bilingual monkeys

By Adam Beck Photo credit: Bill Selak On one hand, raising a bilingual child is very, very simple: given sufficient exposure to two languages, and a genuine need to use both, the growing child will become bilingual quite naturally. In my work as a longtime teacher of bilingual children, having watched hundreds of children become […]

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How Our Imperfect Spanish Immersion Experience Turned Out to Be Enlightening

by contributor
spanish immersion bilingual child

This is part three in a series of posts from Marcela Hede. Start by reading her first post How to Have a Perfect Bilingual Immersion for Your Child without Losing Your Mind and her second post Immersion School: 4 Hurdles to Overcome Before Choosing One before this third and final post. By Marcela Hede Photos […]

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